
University Hospital of Bellvitge (HUB)

The University Hospital of Bellvitge (HUB) is a public, university-affiliated, research-oriented, and innovative hospital. It belongs to the Instituto Catalán de la Salud. With 5,200 expert and dedicated professionals, it serves as the local hospital for the citizens of Hospitalet and El Prat de Llobregat, and it is a reference center of maximum complexity for 2 million people across the southern region of Catalonia. The hospital fosters innovation among all its groups, considering it a key element in generating knowledge, evolving, and improving the healthcare system, alongside research conducted in collaboration with IDIBELL. Our laboratory is linked and belongs to the neurology service of the HUB.

Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)

The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) is a research center in biomedicine, focused in cancer, neuroscience, translational medicine and regenerative medicine. Research, innovation and society are the axes on which researchers work every day with the goal of improving the quality of life of citizens. Our group and our laboratory belongs to IDIBELL institute.

Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED)

The Neurodegenerative Area of CIBER (CIBERNED), has as its fundamental objective to combat neurodegenerative diseases through the promotion of excellent research and its safe translation into clinical practice. Since 2023, our group is a clinical group adscrit to CIBERNED.

Barcelona University (UB)

The University of Barcelona is a public university located in the city of Barcelona, Catalonia, in Spain. With 63,000 students, it is one of the biggest universities in Spain. It is one of the oldest universities in both Catalonia and Spain, established in 1450. Our research group is linked to the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on the Bellvitge University Campus of the Barcelona University.

Treatment Research Initiative to Cure ALS (TRICALS)

The “Treatment Research Initiative to Cure ALS” (TRICALS) is the first international research initiative uniting patients, top researchers and ALS foundations to reach our one goal, find an effective treatment for ALS. TRICALS is the world’s lagest network of specialist ALS centers. This unique network connects 48 top research ALS centres in 15 countries. All TRICALS centres are led by leading ALS experts and have an excellent track record in industry and investigator-initiated trial research. By uniting our efforts, resources and talents, we will be quicker in realising our shared ambition: to find effective treatments for ALS. Dra. Povedano from our goup is part of the executive board of TRICALS.

European Network to Cure ALS (ENCALS)

ENCALS is a network of ALS centres in Europe. ALS Centre membership is open to Universities/Hospitals in Europe with ALS clinical/research activity. This network is aimed (i) to initiate collaboration between funding agencies in Europe to sponsor collectively investigator-initiated European research projects in ALS; (ii) to reach consensus on a classification of ALS suitable for European research projects; (iii) to study novel designs for the assessment of the efficacy of new pharmaceutical compounds in ALS. Dra. Povedano from our goup is part of the executive board of the ENCALS.


ALS Society of Canada

We are relentlessly working to change the reality for people living with ALS, through support, advocacy and investment in research.

Fundació Catalana d’ELA Miquel Valls

We are a team of professionals with a vocation to improve our society, born from the will and experience of a relative of someone affected by ALS, with the objective of enhancing the quality of life of those affected by ALS and their family members, and fighting for this disease to be curable.

Swim for ELA

A team challange to raise funds. Swim for ELA is an open water swimming solidarity sports event organized by Upside down Challenge i Malalts d’Aigua.